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  • The pid_t data type is a signed integer type which is capable of representing a process ID.
  • getpid() returns the process ID of the current process
  • The wait() system call suspends execution of the calling process until one of its children terminates.
  • wait(): on success, returns the process ID of the terminated child. And $-1$ on failure.
  • wait(&status) stores the exit code value of the child process in the status variable in a coded form.
  • WEXITSTATUS(status) evaluates the actual exit code value of the child process.

For example, if the child exit code is $5$ then parent after executing the following code gives res = $5$

int status;
int res = WEXITSTATUS(status);

// res = 5

What will be the output of the following program ___ :

pid_t root,wpid;
int solve(int n) {
	if(n == 1 || n == 0) return 1;
	pid_t left,right;
	left = right = getpid();
	left = fork();
	if(left > 0) right = fork();
	if(left == 0) return solve(n - 1);
	if(right == 0) return solve(n - 2);
	if(left > 0 && right > 0) {
		int status,res = 0;
		while((wpid = wait(&status)) > 0) {
			res += WEXITSTATUS(status);
  	return res;
int main() {
	root = getpid();
	int res = solve(3);
	if(getpid() == root) printf("%d\n",res);

PS : some of the system call and macro definitions are simplified for the sake of the QS as well as for simplicity. 

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