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44 votes
44 votes
Compute the post fix equivalent of the following expression $3^*\log(x+1)-\frac{a}{2}$
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9 Answers

Best answer
95 votes
95 votes
The priority of the operators follows the usual conventions:
  • The highest priority is assigned to unary operators (note that, in this context, a function such as sin  is considered a unary operator). All unary operators have the same priority.
  • Exponentiation has the second highest priority.
  • The third highest priority is assigned to the multiplication and division operators.
  • The lowest priority is given to the addition and subtraction operators. 
Infix expression:   $3  * \log(  10  )$
Postfix expression:
$=3  *   (10 \log)$   //(Priority of unary operator log forces $\log( 10 )$ to evaluate first.)
$=3  \ 10  \log  *$

Now for our case $3*\log(x + 1) - a / 2$

First content inside parenthesis will be evaluated

So, $x+1$ will become $x\;1+$

Now among $(*,/,\log,+,-)$ operators, $\log$ has highest priority as it is the only unary operator

So, $\log(x\;1+)$ will become ${x\;1+\log}$

Now suppose ${z= x1+\log}$ and we get  $3* z - a / 2$

$\implies 3z* a\;2/ -$

Now, substitute $z= x\;1+\log$ and we get

$\mathbf{3x\;1+\log*  a\;2/  -}$ as answer.

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15 votes
15 votes

We can do directly(manually) =>

3*log(x + 1) - a / 2

= ((3*(log(x + 1))) - (a / 2))

= ((3*log(x1+))) - (a2/))

= ((3*x1+log) - (a2/))

= ((3x1+log*) - (a2/))

= 3x1+log*a2/- 

13 votes
13 votes
$3 x 1 + \log * a 2 / -$
11 votes
11 votes

Given infix expression : $3*log(x+1)- \frac{a}{2}$

Expression tree :

Do a postorder traversal of the above tree to get postfix expression: $3x1+log*a2/-$

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