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36 votes

What is the worst case time complexity of inserting $n$ elements into an empty linked list, if the linked list needs to be maintained in sorted order?

  1. $\Theta(n)$
  2. $\Theta(n \log n)$
  3. $\Theta ( n)^{2}$
  4. $\Theta(1)$
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9 Answers

6 votes
6 votes

FOR WORST CASE: Consider decreasing order sequence say {5,4,3,2,1}

We have 5 as the Starting node..

Then we insert 4 (No of comparisons required to insert 4 in linked list = 1) 

Then we insert 3 (No of comparisons required to insert 3 in linked list = 2)

and then we add 2,1 in that order and comparisons required for inserting are 3 and 4 respectively.






So total comparisons done is (for 5 keys): 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 = 10

Similarly, for n keys we have

1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + ................... N-1

Which equals to   N(N-1) / 2             

So, complexity is O($n^2$)     



4 votes
4 votes
I have assumed that keys are integers or floating points.

Even if we do online sorting(maintain sorted order of linked list after each insertion) we can do that in $O(nlgn)$ time.

Idea is to use Balanced BST to keep track of location in linked list where each key resides. So whenever new key is to be inserted we insert it into BST and then the parent of newly created node is the node where we will find pointer to linked-list slot which we can use to insert new element in constant time.

So we can do each insertion in $O(lgn)$ time.
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1 votes
1 votes
We need to search for the correct relative position of the element to insert.

In linked list it will take O(n) for each element.

For  'n' elements = n* O(n) = O(n*n)
1 votes
1 votes
Suppose we have a $head$ pointer and a $tail$ pointer.

In worst case, each element is to be inserted in the $middle$ of the list. Therefore time taken is $\Theta(n/2)$ $\approx$ $\Theta(n)$. Then for inserting $n$ elements we need $\Theta(n*n)$ =  $\Theta(n^{2})$

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