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19 votes
19 votes

​​​​​Consider the following$\text{ ANSI C}$ program.

#include <stdio.h>
int main()
    int i, j, count;
    for (j=-3; j<=3; j++)
        if (( j >= 0) && (i++))
            count = count + j;
    count = count +i;
    printf("%d", count);
    return 0;

Which one of the following options is correct?

  1. The program will not compile successfully
  2. The program will compile successfully and output $10$ when executed
  3. The program will compile successfully and output $8$ when executed
  4. The program will compile successfully and output $13$ when executed
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4 Answers

Best answer
16 votes
16 votes
for (j=-3; j<=3; j++)
    if (( j >= 0) && (i++))
        count = count + j;

From the above loop code, we can see that the loop iterates $7$ times for $j \in \{-3,-2,-1,0,1,2,3\}.$

Now, we have an $\text{“if”}$ condition and inside it, we have a logical AND operator (&&). In $C$ language we have the following short-circuit rule for binary logical operators

  1. The second operand of logical $\text{OR}$ operator || is ignored if the first operand is non-zero.
  2. The second operand of logical $\text{AND}$ operator (&&) is ignored if the first operand is $0$.

So, for $j \in \{-3,-2,-1\}$ the first operand of && operator (j >= 0) will be $0,$ and hence the second operand (i++) will be ignored. 

For $j \in \{0,1,2,3\}$ the first operand of && operator (j >= 0) will be $1,$ and hence the second operand (i++) will get evaluated $4$ times and final value of $i = 4.$

Initial value of $i = 0.$ 

The postincrement operator i++, returns the original value of $i$ and then increments $i.$ So, when the first time i++ happens, the second operator of logical $\text{AND}$ operator is $0$ and hence the $\text{“if”}$ condition fails. So, count = count +j happens only for $j \in \{1,2,3\}$ and we get $\text{count} = 0 + 1 + 2 + 3 = 6.$

After the loop, we have count = count + i, which makes $\text{count} = 6 + 4 = 10.$

So, the correct option is B.


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5 votes
5 votes
It should be Option B

In for loop till value of  j  does not reach to 0   first  if condition reamin false and so second condition won’t be evaluated and  no change will happen in value of  i  (it will remain 0 )  

Then for  j from 0 to 3 loop will execute 4 times

 to increase value of i  to 4

and count = count+j will cause value to  6

count+i =10  

program will compile successfully to output 10 (no reason to not compile successfully)
1 votes
1 votes


1 votes
1 votes
It is possible that few  people will be confused for i value to be 7 in the end but condition will not increment for ( j=-3,-2,-1 ) as j>=0 will be false so further condition will not be checked hence at last i value will be 4 and count =6=(count+j)

count+i = 6+4=10

Correct option is (b).

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