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Consider the avl tree T in which left subtree contain quarter of the maximum number of nodes possible in the balanced AVL  tree of height  h and right sub tree consist of one fifth of the maximum number of nodes possible in AVL tree of height h. Assume that tree T may or may not be height balanced at parent.what is the total maximum possible number of nodes in T.

1 Answer

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AVL tree is balanced binary search tree.

so maximum no of nodes at height 'h' is $2^{h+1}-1$

 Left subtree contains quarter of max no of nodes at height 'h' =$\frac{2^{h+1}-1}{4}$.

Right subtree contains on fifth of max nof nodes at height 'h' is=$\frac{2^{h+1}-1}{5}$.

Finally total no of nodes in AVL tree is=sum of nodes at left subtree+sum of nodes at right subtree+1.



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