2 votes
2 votes

How to get address for this ? As i understood till now that we have 90 (2 d array of 30*40) pls explain the concept of calcultaing address for this ?

1 Answer

3 votes
3 votes
For storing a 3-D array in column major order, we'll store planes first, then columns and finally rows.

Consider a 3-D array A[M][N][P] stored as A[d1....dn1][d2...dn2][d3...dn3]

where d1 = lower bound of dimension 1

dn1 = upper bound of dimension 1

d2 = lower bound of dimension 2

dn2 = upper  bound of dimension 2

d3 = lower bound of dimension 3

dn3 = upper bound of dimension 3

Now, an element at location A[i][j][k] in CMO will be found at

Location(A[i][j][k]) = Base address + { (i-d1)*(number of rows)*(number of colums) + (k-d3)* number of rows + (j-d2) } * size of one element

Now, let's do your question!

Assuming one element takes 4 bytes,

Location of A[20][20][30] = 10 + { (20-1)*30*40 + (30-1)*30 + (20-1) }*4 = 94766
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