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R.T.T=10 microsec.

M.S.S=100 Bytes

Slow  start protocol used to send data.Sender needs to send data till it completes sending window size  8MSS.Find:-

a.  Total Time taken

b. Throughput for 1st RTT

c. Total Throughput

d. Average Throughput

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For slow start :

1st RTT Send 1 mss
2nd RTT Send 2 mss
3rd RTT Send 4 mss
4th RTT Send 8 mss

so total 4 RTT Required..

a.  So total time take  = 4*RTT = 4*10 = 40 usec.

b.  Throughput for 1st rtt= 100/(10*10^6) = 10MBPS

c.  Total Throughput = (Throughput for 1st rtt+Throughput for 2nd rtt + Throughput for 3rd rtt + Throughput for 4th rtt)
                       = [100/(10*10^6)  + 2*100/(10*10^6)  + 4*100/(10*10^6) + 8*100/(10*10^6)]
                       = [10 +20+40+80] MBPS = 150 MBPS

d.  Average Throughput = (Throughput for 1st rtt+Throughput for 2nd rtt + Throughput for 3rd rtt + Throughput for 4th rtt)/4
                       = [100/(10*10^6)  + 2*100/(10*10^6)  + 4*100/(10*10^6) + 8*100/(10*10^6)]/4
                       = [10 +20+40+80]/4 MBPS = 150/4 = 37.5 MBPS
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shikharV asked Jan 18, 2016
Given solution:I couldn't understand from reaching 1KB to 16KB why it took 50ms not 40ms. Please check