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Can we take image as an input in linked list using c programming?

If 'yes' then how to implement that?

2 Answers

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Ofcourse you can do it by considering the file format as sequnce of bits/bytes and store the same in an array.

C does not have the high-level routines to read an image file - you have to read the file format and process it yourself.

Reading the file is easy:

FILE *input;
char get_char;
input = fopen("myimage.bmp", "rb");
while((get_char=fgetc(input))!= EOF)

Reads a file a byte at a time.

For  more information refer the link given below.


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To open Images in c in a viewable format, you can try OpenCV libraries. They are generally used for Image Processing and can input and output images (and videos) as well.

OpenCV as a data type called Mat which is, of course, a matrix representation of the image. so once you get the images. you can easily push them in the list. 

you can look for the documentation here. 


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