3 votes
3 votes
void main()
	char *p="good";
	char a[]="good";

What will be output? Pls Explain

2 Answers

1 votes
1 votes
sizeof(p) will print 8 as it returns the size of the char pointer which can be 4 or 8 on 32bit and 64 bit machine respectively.

sizeof(*p) will return 1 since the size of 1 char("g" in this case) is 1 byte.

strlen(p) will return 4, which is quite obvious.

sizeof(a) will return 5 since it is a char array trailing with the terminator symbol

And finally, strlen(a) will return 4.
0 votes
0 votes
Considering the system to be 32 bit, means every instruction will be of 32 bit.


Char *p = 'good'; here p will be a pointer variable having the base address of string 'good'.

Char a[] =' good'; here also a is just a mnemonic having the base address of string 'good'.

Eg- lets assume base address is 'x'. So a[2] = (a+2) = (base address 'a' + 2*sizeof(char)).

Now, sizeof(p) = sizeof(a) = 4(32 bits)

         Sizeof(*p) = 4,  since *p will be pointing to string's first character and its length is 4.

        Strlen(a) = strlen(p) = 32, since length of a or p will be equal to 32 bits.

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