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39 votes
39 votes

Let $L$ be the set of all binary strings whose last two symbols are the same. The number of states in the minimal state deterministic finite state automaton accepting $L$ is 

  1. $2$
  2. $5$
  3. $8$
  4. $3$
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4 Answers

Best answer
60 votes
60 votes

Binary strings whose last two symbols are same .

Regular expression $= (0+1)^*(00+11) $

Having $\textsf{NFA}$


Equivalent $\textsf{DFA}$

Total no of states $= 5$ 

Correct Answer: $B$

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4 votes
4 votes
I made a fsm with 5 states .here the strings ending in 00 or 11 are to be accepted..just make 2 separate fsm and join them
1 votes
1 votes
Finding number of states using Myhill Nerode:

We have 7 possibilities for a string in $\Sigma ^{*}$. They are the strings whose last 2 symbols are  00, 01, 10, 11, 1, 0, $\epsilon$. Among them 00 and 11 belong to final state and other belong to Non final.

Let us find out who are distinguishable from each other

00 distinguishable from 11 by 1

00 distinguishable from 10 by $\epsilon$

00 distinguishable from 01 by $\epsilon$

00 distinguishable from 1 by $\epsilon$

00 distinguishable from 0 by $\epsilon$

00 distinguishable from $\epsilon$ by $\epsilon$

11 distinguishable from 10 by $\epsilon$

11 distinguishable from 01 by $\epsilon$

11 distinguishable from 1 by $\epsilon$

11 distinguishable from 0 by $\epsilon$

11 distinguishable from $\epsilon$ by $\epsilon$

01 distinguishable from 10 by 1

01 distinguishable from 1 by nothing so they are equivalent. Hence 01$\equiv$1.

01 distinguishable from 0 by 1

01 distinguishable from  $\epsilon$ by 1

10 distinguishable from 1 by 1

10 distinguishable from 0 by nothing so they are equivalent.Hence 10$\equiv$0.

So we have 5 equivalence classes. {00}, {11}, {01,1}, {10,0}, {$\epsilon$}.

Hence the number of states in minimal DFA is 5.
0 votes
0 votes

Please Let me know if this is the right answer as in this case also its 5 states but diagram is different.


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