4 votes
4 votes
T(n)=2T(n-1)-1  ,  for n>0

           1            ,  otherwise

What is the time complexity

3 Answers

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8 votes
8 votes

$T(n)=2T(n-1)-1 , for\ n>0$
$\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \  \ \ \ \ \  1 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ,  otherwise$

$T(0) = 1$

$T(1) = 2T(0) - 1 = 1$

$T(2) = 2T(1) - 1 = 1$

$T(3) = 2T(2) - 1 = 1$

$T(4) = 2T(3) - 1 = 1$


So,  $T(n) = 1$, for any value of $n$.

i.e. it remains constant.

Time Complexity = O(1)

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So, time complexity $O(2^{n})$

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