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how to start competitive programming ? will it help during GATE preparation

2 Answers

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You should definitely start competitive programming ASAP. If you read blogs of all toppers this year you will notice that all of them did competitive programming. I was one of those who didn't do any competitive programming and I got ~2700 rank, after a year drop. And now after realising my mistake I have started it.

I suggest you to solve 1-2 Easy practice problems daily on HackerRank. Initially it will take time to solve such problems but within a week you will get in pace. Remember to not see solution even if you get pissed off. Just try whatever approach you know and Google out something you don't remember. After solving the problem you MUST look for top submissions to know if there was a better approach than yours. Also, do not forget to solve all previous years GATE questions on programming. Once you feel fluent in programming you can try out giving competitions. Definitely, you will have fun!

This doesn't only help you in GATE but will also help you in interviews at IITs and future endeavours. Just 1-2 hour per day(1-2 problems) is enough.

CAUTION: main() is already written by them. There will be sometimes error in the main() of the problems in C because not a lot of people compete in C nowadays. You might have to find them out yourself and fix it. And do not get fixated just on programming, there are other subjects in GATE too!
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Well, Competitive Programming is all about building up your problem solving skills since that will take you a long way in your programming career. Start with learning the basics of any programming language as well as their inbuilt functions. There are plenty of resources available on Codechef, InterviewBit, Topcoder, SPOJ you can utilise.  I suggest you watch this video if your looking to get started with competitive programming, hope it proves helpful to you.

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