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43 votes
43 votes

The height of a tree is defined as the number of edges on the longest path in the tree. The function shown in the pseudo-code below is invoked as height (root) to compute the height of a binary tree rooted at the tree pointer root.

int height(treeptr n)
{ if(n == NULL) return -1;
  if(n -> left == NULL)
     if(n -> right == NULL) return 0;
     else return B1; // Box 1
  else{h1 = height(n -> left);
       if(n -> right == NULL) return (1+h1);
       else{h2 = height(n -> right);
            return B2; // Box 2

The appropriate expressions for the two boxes B1 and B2 are:

  1. B1: $(1+\text{height}(n \to \text{ right}))$; B2: $(1+\max(h1, h2))$
  2. B1: $(\text{height}(n \to \text{ right}))$ ; B2: $(1+\max(h1,h2))$
  3. B1: $\text{height}(n \to \text{ right})$ ; B2: $\max(h1, h2) $
  4. B1: $(1+ \text{height}(n \to \text{ right}))$ ; B2: $\max(h1, h2)$
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3 Answers

Best answer
68 votes
68 votes

Answer is option A.
From the diagram below we are able to see how this works :

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40 votes
40 votes

I got a hint ; How to quickly approach this type of question :--In this type of questions where we already know we want to find something(i.e. Height ) then simply draw min possible tree which reach us upto the Given Boxes.

For Box1,Box2  tree will be as given in below img :-->

Now Analyse the code for above trees we get Option A as Ans.

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4 votes
4 votes

1st if condition is true only if there is no node in binary tree.

2nd if condition told if there is only 1 node in the tree.Then height of tree is 0.


if the tree has at least one left node, then it is going to calculate B2

otherwise, if the tree has  only right subtree, tree height calculated by B1 only

B1= right subtree+1 to get height of the tree

Now, h1= height of right subtree of a node

h2= height of left subtree of a node

height of a tree= 1+ max(h1,h2)


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