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For the below code :



Here k is executing j-1 times j is executing i times and i is executing n^2 times, so first I am doing summation from

k=0 to k=j-1 over k , I am getting Order j^2, Now j is summed up from 0 to i, so I am getting order of i^3 , Now when I am doing summation of i from i=1 to n^2 , I am getting order of n^8 . But this is getting too large, I checked with an example, it is not matching,So please correct where I went wrong.

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2 Answers

Best answer
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The $i$ loop does not execute $n^{2}$ times but $n$ times

The time complexity of this function can be computed by solving the following Summation:


I am taking 1 as the constant  inside summation as it won't matter while computing time complexity in Big O notation

We know that : $\sum\limits_{k=0}^{j-1}1=j$  (summing 1 j times will be equal to j)

Now using this in our original summation we get:


Similarly solving for $\sum\limits_{j=0}^{i-1}j$ we get $\frac{i(i-1)}{2}$

using this result in above equation we get:


Simplifying this to:


Solving this we get the maximum order term in the form of $n^{3}$ in the result, Hence the running time complexity is $O(n^{3})$
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