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3 Answers

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Here, worst case can occur if we want the $\frac{n}{2}^{th}$ smallest element and if you have a trillion of elements, you need to bother about your algorithm design.


So, one can think of like running $\frac{n}{2}$ passes of selection sort and giving answer as O(n), but it will be wrong because your $i$ can be anything ranging from 1 to n and if it is $\frac{n}{2}$ then, since each pass requires O(n), this will amount to total of

$\frac{n}{n}*n=O(n^2)$ considering n to be very large.

Now,I will look for the best algorithm that can sort my huge list of numbers and yes we have  O(nlogn) algorithms which can do that. So, once we have sorted our elements, we can return the $i^{th}$ smallest element in O(1) time amounting to a total runtime of O(nlogn)
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Array can be sorted in O(nlogn) & then i-th element can be found in O(1) using just index.

So, tightest bound of worst case ==> O(nlogn)

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option : c is correct &  if in question mention that  (i<<n ) then option b is true

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