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suppose we are given a sorted array ....and we need to extract minimum every tym  what is the time complexity??

and what is the tym complexity to delete the minimum ? are they both same ??

and what is the tym complexity to delete an element?
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1 Answer

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suppose the array is sorted in ASCENDING ORDER


1)to extract one minimum time taken is O(1) but than all the elements will be shifted which will cost O(n-1).

similarly if we extract all elements it will cost O(n-2) + O(1)+ O(n-3) + O(1) + O(n-4) +.... .................O(1)= O(n2)


2)to delete the minimum O(1) to delete and O(n-1) to left shift all element. = O(n) . yes they are same if we perform for only one element.


3) to delete maxm element : O(1)

    to delete any specific element(worst case  = O(n) 


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