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 Consider the following process information. The Average Turn Around Time using Round Robin with time quantum = 1 is

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            In the above problem my doubt is that ,should I consider both priority and Round Robin and solve the question or I can solve it just by considering Round Robin only ?

2 Answers

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You should consider priority first and execute it in round robin manner.
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Becoz their arrival time is not mentioned... so how are u going to decide which process to start with. Here instead of arrival time the priority is given and should be considered as a replacement of arrival time.

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2 answers
1 votes
delxbydelt asked Mar 15
Consider a uniprocessor system with n processes in the ready queue. Round robin scheduling with time quantum x is used for process scheduling. Assume each process requires kx seconds to complete and ... nkx B) k(nx-1)C) k(nk+n)D) x(nk-n+1)