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Consider 900 KB memory is managed using variable partitions but no compaction. It currently has three process occupied partition of sizes 212 KB, 114 KB and 100 KB respectively. Which of the following is the smallest allocation request that could be denied?

Why isnt the answer to this question 238?In options 475,285,355 and none are given and none is chosen,saying allocation can be at any place.

Here I can show atleast one arrangement where 238 is denied.,

Any other way of interpreting this

2 Answers

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Answer of this question is 475 kb

Total space = 900kb

Occupied space=212+114+100=426 kb

Actually we are using variable size partitioning 

Total remaining space=900-426=474kb

Hence smallest request that is denied=475bKb

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Answer is 119KB

A 212kb B 114kb C 100 D

Occupied space=212+114+100=426KB

remaining space=900-426=474KB

In the question they Given that there is no compaction.So,if we try to distribute remaining space to A,B,C,D equally(474/4) each will get 118.5KB   Hence smallest request that is denied is 119KB  

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