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Consider a disk pack with $32$ surfaces, $64$ tracks and $512$ sectors per pack. $256$ bytes of data are stored in a bit serial manner in a sector. The number of bits required to specify a particular sector in the disk is

  1. $18$
  2. $19$
  3. $20$
  4. $22$
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6 Answers

3 votes
3 votes
Total sectors = No.of surfaces * no.of tracks per surfaces * number of sectors per tracks = 32 * 64 * 512 = $2^5 . 2^6 . 2^9 = 2^{20}$.

∴ No.of bits required to identify each sector = 20 bits
1 votes
1 votes
Total number of sectors = 512*64*32 = (2^9)*(2^6)*(2^5) = 2^20

So 20 bits are required to specify a track in the disk.

Option (C).
1 votes
1 votes
To calculates the number of bits required to access  sector we need to know total number of sector

Total number of sector =32 Surface * 64 Track * 512 Sector

                                     = 2^5 * 2^6  * 2^9


No. of bits required to identify each sector=20 bits

So option C is correct  answer.

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