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53 votes
53 votes

The numbers $1, 2, .\dots n$ are inserted in a binary search tree in some order. In the resulting tree, the right subtree of the root contains $p$ nodes. The first number to be inserted in the tree must be

  1. $p$
  2. $p + 1$
  3. $n - p$
  4. $n - p + 1$
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7 Answers

Best answer
71 votes
71 votes

Option is C.

P: # elements in RST

$\Rightarrow$ Depending on $X,$ some number will go LST $\notin$ RST


Remaining elements for LST:  $n- (p+1)$

$\underbrace{1,2,\ldots,n-(p+1)}_{\text{LST}\\n-(p+1)\\ \text{elements}}\qquad \underbrace{n-p}_{\text{Root}\\1\\ \text{element}}\qquad \underbrace{(n-p)+1,\ldots,n}_{\text{RST}\\p\\ \text{elements}}$

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28 votes
28 votes
from 1,...n elements p elements are on the right. so root or first inserted will be at n-p
11 votes
11 votes

If the right subtree of the root contains p nodes then the first number to be inserted in the tree must be n-p

and If the left subtree of the root contains p nodes then the first number to be inserted in the tree must be p+1

6 votes
6 votes

Let the numbers 1,2,3,4,5 are inserted in a binary search tree in ascending order.

The resulting tree, look like this:-

the right subtree of the root contains 4 nodes. The first number to be inserted in the tree must be
from option 
Answer will be C. 5-4 = 1


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