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Why do we say that Longest Remaining time first is a starvation free algorithm?

Let me walk through my though process, same as LRTF is Shortest Remaining time first and it is given that (in multiple standard books) SRTF may lead to starvation as short process may keep on coming and long process will never get the processor the execution, i.e. long process might never be scheduled.
Its find until now.

Now if we apply the same logic to LRTF, as the longer process gets scheduled its true that eventually it will get shorter and the shorter process may be scheduled but there is also a chance that longer process may keep on coming and the most short process may never get the hold of the process.

What i think is the reason is longer burst time process and not so frequent to short burst time process so it is unlikely that longer burst time process will keep on coming, but still i don’t think it is never a possibility that longer process will never keep on coming.

Please can anyone clarify me about the logic about why LRTF are considered starvation free algorithms.

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