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Based only on the following passage, which one of the options can be inferred with certainty?

When the congregation sang together, Apenyo would also join, though her little screams were not quite audible because of the group singing. But whenever there was a special number, trouble would begin; Apenyo would try singing along, much to the embarrassment of her mother. After two or three such mortifying Sunday evenings, the mother stopped going to church altogether until Apenyo became older and learnt to behave.

At home too, Apenyo never kept quiet; she hummed or made up silly songs to sing by herself, which annoyed her mother at times but most often made her become pensive. She was by now convinced that her daughter had inherited her love of singing from her father who had died unexpectedly away from home.

[Excerpt from These Hills Called Home by Temsula Ao]

  1. The mother was embarrassed about her daughter's singing at home.
  2. The mother's feelings about her daughter's singing at home were only of annoyance.
  3. The mother was not sure if Apenyo had inherited her love of singing from her father.
  4. When Apenyo hummed at home, her mother tended to become thoughtful.
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Migrated from GO Civil 8 months ago by Arjun

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Answer should be D as it is clearly written that she would often become pensive (thoughtful).

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