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Which of the following can make for an improved version of bubble sort?
(A) Traverse the array left to right during odd passes and right to left during even passes, in bubble sort
(B) Divide the array into smaller arrays, apply quick sort on each of the small arrays and the apply bubble sort on the entire array
(C) Store the addresses to be swapped in a separate array and make all the swaps at one go
(D) None of these

1 Answer

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Bubble sort can be improved by using inner loop while required (i.e. swapping element while required) , otherwise inner loop should skip
(A) Doing both way sort is not an efficient solution , As if we do left to right increasing order sorting , then right to left decreasing order.

(B) Though quick sort has time complexity O(n log n) in avg case which is better than bubble sort O(n2), but that is not  needed for getting better version of bubble sort. Actually here we  are using quick sort and then again bubble sort , which is not improving time or space complexity of bubble sort

(C)Swapping in separate array will increase space complexity of bubble sort

So, Answer will be (D)

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