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6 votes
6 votes
Consider a hash table using uniform hashing with number of slots as $m=6$ and number of keys, $k=8$. Collisions are resolved by chaining. Assuming direct hashing is used, what is the expected number of slots that ends not being empty?
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2 Answers

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8 votes
8 votes

We want to find expected no. of slots not being empty which 

$= \sum_{i=1}^6 1 \times P(\text{Slot}_i \text{ is not empty})$. 

$P(\text{Slot}_i \text{ is not empty}) = 1 - P(\text{Slot}_i \text{ is empty})$

So, our required expectation $= \sum_{i=1}^6 1 \times (1 - P(\text{Slot}_i \text{ is  empty}))
\\=\sum_{i=1}^6 1 \times \left(1 -  \frac{(6-1)^8}{6^8}\right) 
\\= 6 \times \left(1 - \frac {5^8}{6^8}\right) \\= 4.604$. 

Alternative way

Expected number of non-empty slots
$= 1 . P(1) + 2 . P(2) + \dots + 6 . P(6)$, where $P(i)$ is the probability that exactly $i$ number of slots are non-empty.

Since, collisions are resolved by chaining, if $8$ keys go to the same slot, $5$ other slots will be empty. 

Now, number of favourable cases for $P(i)$ is equal to the number of ways in which we can place $8$ distinct balls into $i$ distinct bins such that no bin is empty. This is given by $i! . S(8, i)$ where $S$ is the Stirling's number of second kind. 

We have $S(1,1) = 1, S(n, r) = S(n-1, r-1) + r \times S(n-1, r)$
So, using this we can get the triangle of Stirling's numbers


1 1
1 3 1
1 7 6 1
1 15 25 10 1
1 31 90 65 15 1
1 63 301 350 140 21 1
1 127 966 1701 1050 266 28 1

So, if $F(i)$ denote the no. of favourable cases for $P(i)$ 

$F(1) = {}^6C_1 . 1 . 1! = 6$

$F(2) = {}^6C_2 . 127 . 2! = 3810$

$F(3) = {}^6C_3 . 966 . 3! = 115920$

$F(4) = {}^6C_4 . 1701 . 4! = 612360$

$F(5) = {}^6C_5 . 1050 . 5! = 756000$

$F(6) = {}^6C_6 . 266 . 6! = 191520$

So, our expected number 

$= \frac{1 \times 6 + 2 \times 3810 + 3 \times 115920 + 4 \times 612360 + 5 \times 756000 + 6 \times 191520}{6^8}$


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11 votes
11 votes

Slot =6, keys =8

So Prob. of hashing to a particular slot = 1/m

Prob. of not hashing to a particular slot = (m-1)/m

Prob that particular slot ends up being empty = [(m-1)/m]k

Prob that particular slot is not being empty =1- [(m-1)/m]k

the prob. is same for all slot & hence expected no. will be same for all slots = m[1-[(m-1)/m]k ]

& m=6, & k=8 is given....So put the values you will get = 4.604

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