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2 votes
Consider the following code which computes the inner product of 2 vectors:

prod := 0;

i := 1;



prod := prod + a[i] * b[i]

i = i+1;

until i >20


Below is possible IR for this program :

1) prod := 0

2) i :=1

3) t1 :=4*i

4) t2 :=a[t1]

5) t3 :=4*i

6) t4 :=b[t3]

7) t5 :=t2*t4

8)t6 :=prod + t5

9) prod :- t6

10)t7 := i+1

11) i :=t7

12) if i<=20 goto (3)

13) ..


Create Basic Blocks and the control Flow Graph and also show any Optimizatioions.If you Find.
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1 Answer

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4 votes

The original code is computes inner product of vectors i.e., a[1]*b[1] + a[2]*b[2] + ...... + a[20]*b[20]. So, it can be re-written as $\Rightarrow$

int prod = 0;
for(i=1;i<=20;i++) prod += a[i]*b[i];

Now, Intermediate representations can be in many ways, but if the IR given in question is considered, then we Find Basic Blocks and CFG by finding leaders first.

  • First statement is a leader.
  • Target of goto is a leader
  • Statement that immediatedly follows goto is a leader.

And a Basic block starts from one leader and continues till starting of next leader without including that leader. So, statement $1,3$ and $13$ are leaders here.

And Basic blocks are $(1-2)$, $(3-12)$ and  $13$ onwards till program exits. Flow graph looks like $\Rightarrow$

And Cycle in program detects the presence of a loop. Further optimization like Loop Unrolling can be done here.

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