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2 votes
to calculate min no. of bits required for sequence number field if given for

1.sliding window 2.go back-N 3. selective reject what we do exactly?????

we know Availble sequence no.>= sender window size + receiver window size or we simply take seq no = sender window size

2 Answers

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2 votes
seq no >=sender window size+recievers window size....to avoid duplicate packets we must have this much of seq nos for successful transmission of our data packets....
now when we see GBN....here sender window size is N and reciver's always 1...so we need atleast N+1 sequence nos ..else there is a possiblity of redundancy in packets..
in SR....if i assume senders window size to be N..reciever's wil also be N...means we need atleast 2N seq nos here...
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1 votes

The maximum amount of data that can be sent to the network is BandWidth Delay Product .

So,maximum window size that can be sent is BDP which is BW * RTT.

If N is the number of bits in sequence number field.

SWP=> 2^N = max .window size

GBN= >max.window size + 1 = 2^N

SR= > 2*max.window size = 2^N

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