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1 votes

Given the following relational schemas
Student (studId, name, age, sex, deptNo, advisor)
Department (deptId, DName, hod, phoneNo)
Which of the following will be the TRC query to obtain the department names that do not have any girl students?

  1.   {d.Dname | department(d) ∧ ~ ((∃(s)) student(s) ∧ s.sex ≠ ‘F’ ∧ s.deptNo = d.deptId)}
  2.   {d.Dname | department(d) ∧ ((∀ (s)) student(s) ∧ s.sex ≠ ‘F’ ∧ s.deptNo = d.deptId)}
  3.   {d.Dname | department(d) ∧ ~ ((∃(s)) student(s) ∧ s.sex = ‘F’ ∧ s.deptNo = d.deptId)}
  4.   None of these

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