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What is the time complexity to divide an array of elements N into $Log N$  parts ? plz explain ?
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2 Answers

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The answer would be nloglogn

As we have seen when array of size N is divided into k arrays having size n then time complexity becomes O(nklogk)

Now we can replace values according to our given question which will results to O(NloglogN)
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Each division will take O(1) time. In first stage there is only 1 division, next stage there are 2 divisions, then 4 then 8 and so on. In last stage we need loglogN divisions.

We can write each division size of last stage N/logN = N/(2loglogN).

So we get series like 1+21+22+23+24+....+loglogN ( loglogN = 2logloglogN ) . Now by solving the G.P series we get O(loglogN).

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