Recent questions tagged datagram

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An IPv4 packet has arrived with the first few hexadecimal digits as shown.Ox45000028000100000102 ...How many hops can this packet travel before being dropped? The ... the upper-layer protocol is IGMPWhy to skip 8 bytes????Please Explain
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Q: Suppose an application generates chunks of 40 bytes of data every 20 msec, and each chunk gets encapsulated in a TCP segment and then an IP datagram. ... be application data?Please someone who knows explain also.Thanks in adv. - Madhav.
1 answers
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Consider the following design problem concerning implementation of virtual- circut service. If virtual circuits are used internal to the subnet, each data packet ... mean packet requires four hops. Which implementation is cheaper and why?
4 answers
6 votes
Consider the following statements with respect to application layer:S1 : Datagram is the PDU (Protocol data unit) used.S2 : There is a fixed limit on the maximum size of ... S2 is trueC Both S1 and S2 are trueD Neither of S1 or S2 is true
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