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A -> BC

CD-> E


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3 Answers

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9 votes
9 votes

there are three step to  calculate minimal cover of fds

step1: we decompose each fd with single attribute in RHS side {A->B,A->C,CD->E,B->D,E->A}

step2: now check for each dependencies it should or shouldn't present in set  , for this we hide that particular FD for which i m cecking and try to take closure of LHS side of that FD if we r able to derive the RHS side of that fd without using that FD then  that particular fd is not required in the set

for example for FD A->B we hide A->B and find closure of A+=A cant find B so we cant remove A->B from set thus we check for all the FDS

step3: For the remaining functional dependencies having more than one attribute on LHS, ex AB->C, check whether closure(A) contains B, if yes than further simplify the functional dependency as A->C. If viceversa is also true then we will have 2 sets of minimal cover, one having A->C and other containing B->C.

for this question we cannot remove any dependencies so minimal set is {A->BC,CD->E,B->D,E->A}


4 rules to find Minimal cover :

  1. Break down the RHS of each functional dependency into a single attribute .
  2.  Minimize the LHS .
  3. Minimize the set of functional dependencies .
  4. Group the functional dependencies that have common LHS together into a Single FD .

Reference :

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3 votes
3 votes
A ---> B, A----> C , B ----> D, E ----> A, CD ----> E

minimal cover need  not to be unique but they are logically equivalent..

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