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22 votes
22 votes

In a complete $k$-ary tree, every internal node has exactly $k$ children. The number of leaves in such a tree with $n$ internal node is:

  1. $nk$
  2. $(n-1)k + 1$
  3. $n(k-1) +1$
  4. $n(k-1)$
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8 Answers

Best answer
21 votes
21 votes

Correct Option: C 
Originally when we have root , there is only $1$ node, which is leaf.(There is no internal node.) From that "$+1$" part of formula comes from this base case.

When we $k$ children to nodes, we make root internal. So then Total Leaves $= n(k-1) + 1 = (k-1) + 1 = k$

In $k$ complete $k \ ary$ tree every time you add $k$ children , you add $k-1$ leaves.( $+k$ for leaves, $-1$ for node which you are attaching )

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27 votes
27 votes
total nodes=nk+1(1 for root)

leaves =total nodes -internal nodes


2 votes
2 votes
#leaves * degree_of_each_leave + #internal_nodes(excluding the root) *degree_of_each_internal node + degree of root=2(number of edges)

number of leaf node is( say l)

here degree of leaf node is 1

number o internal nodes(excluding root)is n-1

degree of each internal node is k+1

degree of root is k

number of edges=l+n-1





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