6 votes
6 votes
Consider the processes P1, P2, P3 arrived in the sequence P2, P3, P1 and the burst time of the processes are 3, 3, 24 respectively. What is the average TAT??

4 Answers

7 votes
7 votes
Process No Burst Time Arrival Time Completion Time TAT=(CT-AT)
P1 3 0 30 30
P2 3 0 3 3
P3 24 0 27 27

Avg TAT=(30+3+27)/3=60/3=20

As Arrival Time is not given consider all the processes arriving at time 0 but assume that there is a priority is execution of process as per the order P2-P3-P1.

3 votes
3 votes

where $\text{TAT}(P_i)$ is the Turn Around Time of process $P_i$ & $n$ is the total number of processes participating in the scheduling algorithm.

1 votes
1 votes
From the definition itself ...TAT is defined as TAT = WT + BT…..

From the given schedule ,we can say that WT of each process is ‘0’  and BT of each process is 3,3,24

Finding out the average TAT…..

Avg of TAT = Avg of BT + Avg of WT (wt=0)

Avg of BT = 3+3+24/3 = 10

Therefore Avg TAT is 10.

Hope You got it….
0 votes
0 votes
10 May be coz we can calculate turn around time as (24+3+3)/3 = 10 hence average turn around time should be 10.

Correct Me if I am wrong.!!

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