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Analyze the runtime of the following piece of code. Give a bound using Θ notation.

function Pesky(n)

r ←0;

for i ←1 to n

do for j ←1 to i

do for k ← j to i+j

do r ←r + 1;

return r;

1 Answer

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for k ← j to i+j ===> k always run 'i' times ( if you didn't understand this let assume j=5 or any constant )


for j ←1 to i ===>

j=1 ==> k runs i times,

j=2 ==> k runs i times,

j=3 ==> k runs i times,


j=i ==> k runs i times,

therefore i+i+i+i+...+i (i times you are adding i ) ===>i2


for i ←1 to n ====> i runs upto 'n' times.

i=1 ===> 12

i=2 ===> 22

i=3 ===> 32


i=n ===> n2


therefore total = 12+22+32+....n2 = $\frac{(n)(n+1)(2n+1)}{6}$ = O(n3)


just see one time this question https://gateoverflow.in/228411/test-series-algorithms

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