13 votes
13 votes
Consider a 2 dimensional array A[40...95,40...95] in lower triangular matrix representation. The size of each element of array is 1 Byte.If array is implemented in memory as Row major,with base address as 1000,the address of A[66][50] is .....

Ans. 1361

8 Answers

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19 votes

In general for RMO we calculate like :

Let A[LR.....UR][Lc.....Uc]  be a 2D array

Address of A[i][j]= Base + Size of each element { (no. of rows fully covered before reaching row i x no. of columns in each row) + no. of elements covered in the current row i}

no. of rows fully covered = (i-LR)

no. of columns in each row= (Uc-Lc+1)

But here the case is a bit different. The elements are arranged in lower triangular matrix form like this:

The rows are not fully covered.

The 1st row has 1 element.

The 2nd row has 2 elements. The 3rd has 3 elements and so on.

So kth row will have k elements.

No. of elements covered upto k rows is 1+2+3....k = k(k+1)/2.

We need to find address of A[i][j]. To reach this row no. i we have to cover previous (i-LR) rows.

So, no. of elements covered in (i-LR) rows is ((i-LR)* (i-LR+1))/2 rows
Now we are at row no. i.

No. of elements covered in this row no. i is (j-Lc)  elements.

Address of A[i][j]= Base + size( ((i-LR)* (i-LR+1))/2  + (j-Lc))

Address of A[66][50] = 1000 + 1 ( (66-40)*(66-40+1)/2 + (50-40) ) = 1000 + (26*27/2 + 10 ) = 1000 + (351+10) =1361


We need to find address of A[66][50]. To reach this row no. 66 we have to cover (66-40)= 26 rows.

So, no. of elements covered in 26 rows = 26*(26+1)/2 = 351

Now we are at row no. 66.

No. of elements covered in this row is (50-40) = 10.

Address of A[66][50] = 1000 + (351+10) =1361

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1 votes

A[40 ..... 95, 40 ..... 95] 

A[66] [50]

Total elements in rows = 95-40+1 = 56

total no of elements in columns = 95-40+1 = 56

base address = 1000   element size = 1

lower triangular matrix

hence address of A[66][50]

1000 + ((66-40) (66-40+1)/2 + (50-40)) * 1

= 1000 +  361 = 1361

formula =     BA + ((i-lb1) (i-lb1 +1) /2 + (j-lb2)) * c (c is element size)

lb1 = lower bound of row    lb2 = lower bound of column

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$Size\ of\ element=1\ B$


$\\ =1000+\left \{\underbrace {66-40=26}+(50-40) \right \}\times 1B$

                    $Natural\ \#\ sum\\ of\ 26\ rows$

$=1000+\left \{ \dfrac{26\times 27}{2}\ +\ 10 \right \}\times 1B$

$=1000+\left \{ 351+10 \right \}\times 1B$

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1 votes


$40^{th}\ row=1$

$41^{st}\ row=2$

$42^{nd}\ row=3$




$66^{th}\ row=26$


Now you are standing on $66^{th}$ row and it's first element will start from $40^{th}$ column but you need to go to $50^{th}$ column, hence add $11(40,41,42....50)$



But index starts from $0,$ so subtract $1$


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