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Let M1 be a Turing machine and M2 be a finite automaton. Is the problem, whether M1 and M2 accept the same language decidable?

An elaborative answer with proof is most welcome.

2 Answers

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The problem can be stated differently as:

$$REGULAR_{TM} = \{ < M > | \,\text{M is a TM and L(M) is a regular languauge}\}$$
This can be proven to be undecidable by a reduction from $A_{TM}$. You can look up the proof online - it's fairly easy.

Another way to prove it would be to use Rice's theorem - the property of being regular is non-trivial and as a consequence of that, the given language is undecidable.
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$REGULAR_{TM} = \{ < M > | \,\text{M is a TM and L(M) is a regular language}\}$

This is a non-trivial property of language accepted by TM because not every RE language is Regular. There can be 2 TM $M_1$ and $M_2$ where $M_1$ recognizes a regular language but $M_2$ does not. Hence the given language is Undecidable.

Also, "L(M) is Regular"  is a Non-monotonic property. Because you could give Two TM $M_{yes}$ and $M_{no}$ such that $L(M_{yes})$ is Regular, say, $L(M_{yes}) = ϕ$ and $L(M_{no})$ is Non-regular, say, $L(M_{no})=ww$ and We can see that $L_{yes} \subset L_{no}$. Hence, the given language, by Rice's theorem part 2, is Unrecognizable (NOT RE)

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