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49 votes
49 votes

The postfix expression for the infix expression $A+B*(C+D)/F+D*E$ is:

  1. $AB + CD + *F/D +E*$
  2. $ABCD + *F/DE* ++$

  3. $A * B + CD/F *DE ++$

  4. $A + *BCD/F* DE ++$

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7 Answers

Best answer
65 votes
65 votes

Thus before considering + which has the least priority, we get  $A + (BCD+*F/) + (DE*)$

Now if we assume left associativity for $+$ (default), we get $ABCD+*F/ + DE*+$ but this is not among the options.

So, considering right associativity for $+$ we get $ABCD+*F/DE*++$

Correct Answer: $B$

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9 votes
9 votes

it is 5 level stak and postfix is: ABCD+*F/+DE*+

8 votes
8 votes
$Top\ of\ stack$ $Next$  
$Low\ priority$ $High\ priority$ $PUSH$
$High\ priority$ $Low\ priority$ $POP$
 $Same\ priority\ (Left-to-Right\ associativity)$ $POP$
 $Same\ priority\ (Right-to-Left\ associativity)$ $PUSH$

According to this answer should be : $ABCD+*F/+DE*+$

We are getting this answer because in the operator stack when $+$ is on the top of the stack and the next symbol is $+$ we are doing a pop operation which has to be done.

But in order to get one of the options as an answer we need to change the associativity of $+$ and when $+$ is on the top of the stack and the next symbol is $+$ we will do a push operation and hence we will get an expression :  $ABCD+*F/DE*++$  which is leading to option $B$

5 votes
5 votes
It will be B.

It will use a maximum 4 level stack.

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