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Can a  language exist which is undecidable as well as  Recursive language ? If yes please give example.

2 Answers

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edit: the whole answer is being revised

REL are called as turing recognisable or turing acceptable , because all the string of a language that is REL are accept by turing machine. Some language in REL are called decidable and semi-decidable or partially decidable according to their behaviour of acceotance. REL whose TM always halts in final state for every string in language and in non-final state for strings not in language are called RECURSIVE language. REL whose TM always halts in final state for string in language but may or may nor halt in non-final state for strings no in language are called  "REL but not recursive " also called semi-decidable or partially decidable. now languge NOT REL or language not recognisable by TM are UNDecidable.
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