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Consider the following languages
L1 = {< M, q > | M is a turing machine that visits state q on some input within 10 steps}
L2 = {< M > | M is a turing machine, |M| < 100 where |M| is number of states in machine}
Which of the following is correct?

  • L1 is decidable but L2 is not decidable
  • L2 is decidable but L1 is not decidable
  • Both L1 and L2 is decidable
  • Neither L1 nor L2 is decidable

According to Rice theorem's first part , any non-trivial property of TM is undecidable , so L1 should be undecidable , right ? Because , we can not tell whether it will not visit q on some input within 10 steps.

But , L2 is trivial property , right ?

Please correct me.

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Both are non-trivial properties. But Rice's theorem does not say anything about properties of TM. It says about properties of language of TM or about properties of r.e. set. So, it is not applicable to given question as here it talks about TM and not its language. 

L2 is easily decidable. We can just count the no. of states in the TM description. This is similar to counting the no. of lines in a given C code. 

L1 looks semi-decidable. But it is also decidable. With one move (step) a TM can read only 1 input letter. So, in 10 steps the maximum input a TM can read is 10 letters. So, to decide the problem just simulate the given TM on all inputs of length 10 for up to 10 steps. If the TM visits state $q$ on any of them we have answer "yes" and otherwise we have answer "no". No chance of an infinite lop here. 

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