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GATE CS Set-1 Answer key based on chat discussions for CS section:

1. best cpu scheduling algo - srtf
2. no.of jk flipflops for a counter - 1
3. min no.of temporary registers - 6
4. worst case time complexities of mergesort, insertion, quick
5. which does not convert one form of address to another - dhcp
6. 2's complement of 1111111111110101 - -11
7. time complexity of carry look ahead adder -> O(logn)
8. coeff of x^12 in (x3+x4+x5+x6...)^3 - 10
9. toc q1 - a^nb^n not accepted by FA option A
10. toc q2 - W is not RE and Z is R 
11. toc q3 - option B where two statements on CFG regarding undecidability
12. cn q1 - token bucket - 1.20
13. cn q2 - datagram fragmentation - 13
14. cn q3 - stop n wait - 2500
15. os q1 - lifo/optimal diff - 0
16. os q2 - c-look - 365
17. ca q1 - tlb question - 384
18. ca q2 - pipelining, 800 to 600 - 25%
19. ca q3 - dma width ?
20. prob question - 0.33
21. sinx/x - 1
22. db q1 - 2PL conflict seriazable and no freedom from deadlock
23. db q2 - 2nf
24. queue q1 - 256 iterations of while loop
25. queue - both O(1)
26. prg question - to avoid type error - option B pass by value
27. prg question - swapping - 42
28. recursion - K - 198
29. dynamic scoping - 6,2
30. no consencutive 0s and 1s - an=an-1+an-2
31. determinant for given eigen values - 15

32. graph q1 - mst does not change, shortest path changes
33. graph q2 - min and max edges in cycles in mst - False True
34. graph q3 - x=2 in adjacency matrix
35. toc q4 - consecutive 00s and 11s, option B

36. one question on heap - O(d) but not O(1)

37. db question - ACID property - deadlock prevention
38. Find no. of distinct values R = { i | f(j) = i} = ?

39.  mux question - q'r' + pqr

40. compiler design question with given grammer - 1,3,2 

41. os question - on criticial section ??

42. one question where + has higher priority than *, evaluation of expression yielded 9

43. mathematical logic question - 11

44. topological sorting question - 6 

45.Given x.0=x, x.1=x', x.x'=1 and asked for equivalent expression ===>xy'+x'y

46.Probability density function (a,1) and given 1/x^2, a= -1

47.find the correct conclusions from given arguments - p beats q and so on ??

48.Stateful protocols - TCP, HTTP, FTP, POP - TCP and FTP

49. ambm<n (there were 2 condtions ) ... something like this 

yeah, the option was b here, m>=0

50. Super key for given Primark Key from DBMS - UVWX or something  ? prime attr missing

51.Max value of Min Weight Spanning Tree of 6 distinct edges 1,2,3,4,5,6 - 7

52. missing while loop .. b!=a

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2 Answers

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there was some programming question with mystery function and i got 2016 as answer

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Ahabnnc asked Feb 27, 2019
@Arjun Sir : Last year keys were out only 2-3 days before results. So what made you say this for this time ??
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Hemalathamannem asked May 4, 2017