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65 votes
65 votes

Consider the following New-order strategy for traversing a binary tree:

  • Visit the root;
  • Visit the right subtree using New-order;
  • Visit the left subtree using New-order;

The New-order traversal of the expression tree corresponding to the reverse polish expression

3 4 * 5 - 2 ^ 6 7 * 1 + - 

is given by:

  1. $+ -  1 \ 6 \ 7 * 2 \wedge 5 \ - \ 3 \ 4 \ *$
  2. $- +  1 *  6 \ 7 \wedge 2 - 5 * 3 \ 4$ 
  3. $- +  1 * 7 \ 6  \wedge 2 \ - \ 5 \ * \ 4 \ 3 $
  4. $1 \ 7 \ 6 *  + \ 2 \ 5  \ 4 \ 3 \ * \ - \wedge -$ 
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6 Answers

Best answer
84 votes
84 votes
Expression given in reverse polish notation (i,e in Post-order)

convert first it into In-order




$(((3*4)-5)\wedge 2)\;6\;7\;*\;1\;+\;-$

$(((3*4)-5)\wedge 2)\;(6*7)\;1\;+\;-$

$(((3*4)-5)\wedge 2)\;((6*7)+1)\;-$

$((((3*4)-5)\wedge 2)-((6*7)+1))$

so Inorder expression in $((((3*4)-5) \wedge 2)-((6*7)+1))$

New-Order traversal is as by ROOT RIGHT LEFT

$((((3*4)-5) \wedge 2)-((6*7)+1))$

$-((6*7)+1)(((3*4)-5) \wedge 2)$

$-+1(6*7)(((3*4)-5) \wedge 2)$

$-+1*7\;6(((3*4)-5) \wedge 2)$

$-+1*7\;6\wedge 2((3*4)-5)$

$-+1*7\;6\wedge 2-5(3*4)$

$-+1*7\;6\wedge 2-5*4\;3$

option C is correct
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209 votes
209 votes
It is quite simple actually.

Postorder: left, right, root

Neworder: Root, right, left

(left, right, root) and (Root, right, left) are reverse of each other, right ?

So, these two traversals will be exact reverse of each other! Option (c)!
33 votes
33 votes

Another way to go => Answer C

1. Convert Postfix to Infix

2. Create expression tree.

3. Run the code !

10 votes
10 votes

$1)$  ${\fbox{3}}$ $\fbox{tos: 4}$

$2)$  ${\fbox{tos: 3*4}}$

$3)$  ${\fbox{3*4}}$ ${\fbox{tos: 5}}$

$4)$  ${\fbox{tos: ((3*4)-5)}}$

$5)$  ${\fbox{((3*4)-5)}}$ ${\fbox{tos: 2}}$

$6)$  ${\fbox{tos: (((3*4)-5)$\uparrow$ 2)}}$

$7)$  ${\fbox{(((3*4)-5)$\uparrow$ 2)}}$ ${\fbox{6}}$ ${\fbox{tos: 7}}$

$8)$  ${\fbox{(((3*4)-5)$\uparrow$ 2)}}$ ${\fbox{tos: 6*7}}$

$9)$  ${\fbox{(((3*4)-5)$\uparrow$ 2)}}$ ${\fbox{6*7}}$ ${\fbox{tos: 1}}$

$10)$  ${\fbox{(((3*4)-5)$\uparrow$ 2)}}$ ${\fbox{tos: ((6*7)+1)}}$

$11)$  ${\fbox{((((3*4)-5)$\uparrow$ 2)-((6*7)+1))}}$

$infix: ((((3*4)-5)\uparrow 2)-((6*7)+1))$


$-+1*76\uparrow 2-5*43$

$Ans: C$


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