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81 votes
81 votes

Consider line number $3$ of the following C-program.

int main() {                /*Line 1 */
    int I, N;               /*Line 2 */
    fro (I=0, I<N, I++);	/*Line 3 */

Identify the compiler’s response about this line while creating the object-module:

  1. No compilation error
  2. Only a lexical error
  3. Only syntactic errors
  4. Both lexical and syntactic errors
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9 Answers

Best answer
119 votes
119 votes

C language allows only certain words in it- these are called tokens. If we input any invalid tokens it causes lexical error. 

causes lexical error as in C as an alphabet cannot come in between digits. 

Syntactic error is caused by bad combination of tokens. For example, we cannot have a constant on the left hand side of an assignment statement, a for loop must have two expressions inside $()$ separated by semi colon etc. 

In the given question, line $3$ won't cause a lexical error or syntactic error. The statement will be treated as a function call with three arguments. Function definition being absent will cause link time error, but the question asks only for compile-time errors. So, $(a)$ must be the answer. 

PS: Implicit function declaration was removed from $C99$ standard onwards. As per current standard, we should not use a function without declaration. Still, we cannot guarantee "compilation error"- just expect compiler warnings in C. In C++ this should produce a compilation (semantic) error. The output of compiling the above code using different standards are given below:

arjun@linux:~$ gcc -c chk.c
chk.c: In function ‘main’:
chk.c:3:2: warning: implicit declaration of function ‘fro’ [-Wimplicit-function-declaration]
  fro (I=0, I<N, I++); /*Line 3 */
arjun@linux:~$ gcc -c -ansi chk.c
arjun@linux:~$ gcc -c -std=c99 chk.c
chk.c: In function ‘main’:
chk.c:3:2: warning: implicit declaration of function ‘fro’ [-Wimplicit-function-declaration]
  fro (I=0, I<N, I++); /*Line 3 */
arjun@linux:~$ gcc -c -std=c11 chk.c
chk.c: In function ‘main’:
chk.c:3:2: warning: implicit declaration of function ‘fro’ [-Wimplicit-function-declaration]
  fro (I=0, I<N, I++); /*Line 3 */


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31 votes
31 votes

Answer is A. There is no error in the above code. Actually it is a link error ... Here compiler thinks fro is a function which is not declared , hence it will not produce any error .. It will only throw a warning in C .. 

Lexical analyser error comes when we declare a integer as 123zx . it is invalid to declare a integer like this.

Syntax analyser is related to syntax.

There is hence no error. Only link error because no function declaration has been found with 3 arguments.

11 votes
11 votes

Option A is correct.

Option B is wrong. Lexical Analyser would not throw any errors! Even if there were spelling errors, it'd simply correct them. 

Option C is wrong because fro is seen as a function. A function's arguments are separated by commas, which is the case here. There's no syntax error.

Consequently, Option D is wrong, too.


However, if Line 3 ran like this:

fro (I=0; I<N; I++);

Then, Option C would be correct, because a function's arguments aren't separated by semi-colons, as per the parsing rules — which gives a syntax error.

7 votes
7 votes

Answer : It is not a lexical error because lexical analyzer will treat fro as a token . I think it should be a syntactic error because few days ago i was confused between these 2 terms and i have posted this question here and i got answer in this way that syntactic errors can't be caught by c compiler because it does not violates all C -programming rules it is the responsibility of programmer to look at them and fix them and i believe if we write a program and by mistake we had written fro instead of for them we have to fix it .

Reference of the question I asked : https://gateoverflow.in/49019/compiler-phase-semantic-phase


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