3 Answers

2 votes
2 votes

Basic idea about bounded waiting is after how many times does a process gets its chance to execute is monitored or not and usual the monitoring is done by placing a queue So by this reference I would say Yes.

As it gives every process an oppurtunity to enter the critical section and also it does that in queue order Like FCFS hence round robin satisfies bounded waiting.

Open for any corrections :)

1 votes
1 votes
If there are n processes each alloted a time quantum q,then every process theoretically will execute again after time (n-1)×q.So yeah bounded waiting is there.
0 votes
0 votes
While Round Robin provides fairness and prevents starvation by giving each process a chance to execute, it does not guarantee bounded waiting time for each process. Bounded waiting means that every process will eventually get its turn to execute within a certain amount of time.

Round Robin provides fairness but does not guarantee bounded waiting time for each process. Processes may experience varying waiting times, and the waiting time can be influenced by factors such as the number of processes in the system and their burst times.

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