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Suppose we have events $A, B$ in a sample space. And we know that $\mathrm{P}(\mathrm{A})=0.3, \mathrm{P}\left(\mathrm{B} \mid \mathrm{A}^c\right)=0.25, \mathrm{P}(\mathrm{B} \mid \mathrm{A})=0.45$. 

What is $\mathrm{P}\left(\mathrm{A}^c \mid \mathrm{B}\right) ?$

  1. 0.75
  2. 0.55
  3. 0.2
  4. 0.56
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2 Answers

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This question can be solved simply using the concepts of Baye's Theorem in conditional probability.

The following data is given: -

P(A) = 0.3, P(B | Ac) = 0.25 and P(B | A) = 0.45

From the given data, we can find out: -

P(Ac) = 1- P(A) = 1- 0.3 = 0.7

Also, P(B) = [P(A) x P(B | A)] + [P(Ac) x P(B | Ac)] = [0.3 x 0.45] + [0.7 x 0.25] = 0.135 + 0.175 = 0.31

Now, according to Bayes' Theorem: -

P(Ac | B) = [P(B | Ac) x P(Ac)] / P(B) = [0.7 x 0.25] / 0.31 = 0.175 / 0.31 = 0.564 ≈ 0.56

Therefore, the correct answer is Option (D).


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