1 Answer

5 votes
5 votes

Given code : 



if(!fork()) // FORK-1


    if(!fork()) // FORK-2

    fork(); // FORK-3


fork(); // FORK-4


NOTE : When fork() command is called then copy of the parent process will be created. 

Let, P be the parent process and C be its child, then fork() will return child Id(Some non-zero

value) to parent process and 0 will be returned to Child Process C.

NOTE : If(Non-zero value) --> TRUE | If(Zero Value) --> FALSE

If(!Non-zero value) --> FALSE | If(!Zero Value) --> TRUE

Let P be the parent process which start execution of given code :

1. P will call FORK-1. 

P will get Process ID of child which is non-zero value and negation of that will be FALSE. So, P will call

FORK-4 and will go out

But, when FORK-1 is called Child A will get 0 or FALSE and negation of FALSE will be TRUE. So, A will

go inside $1^{st}$ If clause.


2. For the execution of $2^{nd}$ we can use the same understanding that we have developed above and

tree will look something like this : 

Here, A will be the parent and after calling FORK-2, A will execute FORK-4 and will go out. Whereas, After

calling FORK-2, D will be it's child and D will also execute FORK-3.


3. Now D & F both will execute FORK-4 & tree will look something like this :

All the leaf node except P are child processes.

Parent Process : P

Child Process : A, B, D, E, F, G, H 

No. of Child Processes : 7

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