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0 votes
void fun(int *p)
  int q = 10;
  p = &q;
  printf("%d",p);//prints 1948738932
  printf("%d q= ",&q);//prints 1948738932
  printf(" value of p  %d" ,*p);//rints 10

int main()
  int r = 20;
  int *p = &r;
  printf("%d r= ",&r);//output = 1948738964
  printf("%d",p);//output = 1948738964
  printf(" value of p  %d" ,*p);// prints 20
  printf("%d", *p);//prints 20
  return 0;

Can anyone explain why is it giving 20 in line 2 because in function fun, address of p has been changed to point to q,so it should print value at q i.e 10??

In line 3,what is passed in the function?is it the address of p or something else?

2 Answers

3 votes
3 votes

Assume address of r = 1000

So, in the main function is p is holding the value = 1000

Now you called fun(p);

What, happens here ?

New stack frame is allocated for funciton fun().

Argument of fun() is int *p so a new pointer variable named p is also created in this stack frame and p is initialized to 1000 because of parameter passing. So far so good ! :)

Now, again another local varibale is q is allocated and initialized to 10. Assume its adress is 2000.

Then, inside fun() value of local pointer varibale p is changed to 2000.

Keep in mind that p in the stack frame of fun() is different from p in the main function. In the main funciton p is pointing to 1000.

after that you have done some printing stuff inside the fun().

Did you change pointer p in the main function ? NO

Did you change the value contained in the address 1000 ? NO.

So, why should the *p or r value change in the main function ? No change.

0 votes
0 votes
in  fun(p){p is holding the local address of q so prints 10}

on returning to main p still holds the address of r so prints 20

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