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21 votes
21 votes

Consider the following languages:

  • $L1=\left\{ww \mid w \in \{a,b\}^*\right\}$
  • $L2=\left\{ww^R \mid w \in \{a,b\}^*, w^R \text{ is the reverse of w} \right\}$
  • $L3=\left\{0^{2i} \mid \text{ i is an integer} \right\}$
  • $L4= \left\{ 0^{i^2} \mid \text{ i is an integer} \right\}$

Which of the languages are regular?

  1. Only $L1$ and $L2$
  2. Only $L2, L3$ and $L4$
  3. Only $L3$ and $L4$
  4. Only $L3$
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5 Answers

Best answer
23 votes
23 votes
$L1=\{ww \mid w \in \{a,b\}^*\}\qquad$CSL

$L2=\{ww^R \mid w \in \{a,b\}^*,w^R \text{ is the reverse of w}\}\qquad$Palindrome, so CFL

$L3=\{0^{2i} \mid i \text{ is an integer}\}\qquad$Linear power and regular expression can be stated as $(00)^*$

$L4=\{0^{i^2} \mid i \text{ is an integer}\}\qquad$Non-linear power, so CSL

Therefore, answer is option D.
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4 votes
4 votes

L1 -> This is CSL

L2 -> This is CFL.

L3 -> This is regular. Regular expression (00)*

L4 -> This is CSL.

Answer -> D

1 votes
1 votes
ans is D. only L3 is regular
1 votes
1 votes

L1, L2 are not Regular because we can't compare strings in Finite Automata. L1 is CSL, L2 is CFL

L3 is Regular because strings generated by L3 are even no of 0's.

L4 is not Regular because we can't design FA.


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