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2 votes

Consider the following preemptive priority scheduling algorithms based on dynamically changing priorities. Large priority numbers imply higher priority. When the process is waiting for the CPU in ready queue, its priority changes at a rate ‘α’; when its running, its priority changes at a rate ‘β’. All processes are given a priority, when they enter the ready queue. Which one of the CPU scheduling algorithm results from α > β > 0 ?

  • Round Robin Algorithm
  • Shortest Job First Algorithm
  • First Come First Serve Algorithm
  • Last-In-First-Out

1 Answer

6 votes
6 votes

i think round robin should be answer.

if u consider a case where there are 3 processes and all have same priority and let that priority be x

Let alpha be 'a' and beta be 'b'

assume P1 will be executed first and in case of equal priority lower index process will be executed first

Process t=0 t=1 t=2 t=3 t=4 t=5
P1 x x+b x+b+a x+b+a+a x+b+a+a+b x+b+a+a+b+a
P2 x x+a x+a+b x+a+b+a x+b+a+a+a x+b+a+a+a+b
P3 x x+a x+a+a x+a+a+b x+a+a+b+a x+a+a+b+a+a

Now from above table I have bold the priority which is higher at a particular time

From the above table we also found that the processes are getting executed in RR fashion

Also if we go optionwise C) and D) will never be the answer becoz they are not preemptive scheduling algo

Also when a process is getting executed it's running time gonna decrease. So we should keep executing that process. But according to questing we are increasing the priority of running process by 'b' and ready process by 'a'. Also a>b, so after some time priority of one of the ready process will become greater than running process, as a result even though the running process has shorter remaining time it will get preempted

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