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Compare $GBN$, $SR$, and $TCP$ (no delayed $ACK$). Assume that the timeout values for all three protocols are sufficiently long such that $5$ consecutive data segments and their corresponding $ACK$s can be received (if not lost in the channel) by the receiving host (Host $B$) and the sending host (Host $A$) respectively. Suppose Host $A$ sends $5$ data segments to Host $B$, and the $2$nd segment (sent from $A$) is lost. In the end, all $5$ data segments have been correctly received by Host $B$.

How many segments has Host $A$ sent in total and how many $ACK$'s has Host $B$ sent in total? What are their sequence numbers? Answer this question for all three protocols.

Please explain this quesiton for GBN and SR with possible answer.

link ftp://ftp.cs.sjtu.edu.cn:990/shen-lp/assign3/assign3-5100309313.pdf

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