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2 votes

see u have check equivalence classes..and basic rule is to keep all non final states together and final states together in 0 equivalence..

equivalence 0:[q1 q2] since we have only final states so club them together and whether we are right or not we'll see.
 equivalence 1:see where q1 is going for both inputs and where q2 is going for both inputs in previous equivalence not here..u'll find that both are going to [q1 q2]...so they represent single state..merge them...

there was no need to do it like this as it was very obvious from the dfa that both are equivalent but since u asked through equivalence class method i have done it like this..try this fr complicated dfas...

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From Q1 either we take input a or b or epsilon we are going to final state.

From Q2 either we take input a or b or epsilon we are going to final state.

So we can merge these two states to a single state. and make that state final.

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