2 Answers

3 votes
3 votes

This is my approach .

the probability of 1 st child is boy 51/100.

the probability of last two child is girl (49/100)2 .

the probability of 1 st child is boy and the probability of last two child is girl (51*49*49/1003) .

so the probability of 1 st child is boy or the probability of last two child is girl = (51/100) +  (49/100)- (51*49*49/1003)

= 0.6276 

1 votes
1 votes
Another approach, since the probability of boy and girl are almost same, let us consider both of them to be 0.5. Now there are 5 children and each of them could be a boy or a girl so using product rule there are total 2^5=32 possible outcomes. Out of these 32, if it is fixed that first baby is a boy then there are 2^4 = 16 possibilities for remaining 4 babies, and Similarly if it is fixed that last two babies are girls then there are 2^3 = 8 possibilities for remaining 3 babies. Suppose a case when first baby is a boy and last two are girls, then there are 2^2 = 4 possibilities. These 4 possibilities have been counted twice so we have to subtract it once. Thus total favourable outcomes = 16+8-4=20, And total possible outcomes = 32. So probability = 20/32 = 0.625. So answer will be around 0.625. It can be done without calculator.

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